Saturday Oct 10, 2009
Saturday Oct 10, 2009
Here is a short clip of George Carlo on Irish radio, being given a bit of a grilling by the presenter.
Friday Oct 09, 2009
Friday Oct 09, 2009
Here is a talk given by Dr Andrew Goldsworthy at the ES conference in October 2009. He discusses the underlying mechanisms of the many symptoms associated with Electro sensitivity.
Saturday Sep 19, 2009
Saturday Sep 19, 2009
Roger Moller talks to Fevzi Turkalp - The Gadget Detective about cordless phones and other sources of electrosmog.
Monday Aug 31, 2009
Monday Aug 31, 2009
Dr Andrew Goldsworthy interviewed at the RRT Conference in 2008. Fascinating explanation of the biological effects of electromagnetic radiation on cells, particulalrly on phospho-lipid cell membranes and the role of calcium. Explains a wide variety of symptoms driven by cells under stress.
Thursday Aug 20, 2009
Thursday Aug 20, 2009
Camilla Rees of electromagnetichealth.org speaking to Dr Ronald Hoffman MD.
Thursday Jul 09, 2009
Thursday Jul 09, 2009
Electrosensitivity-UK Chairman Michael Bevington argues that claims of scare mongering by ES charities are unjustified and that the dangers and practical difficulties of uncontrolled electromagnetic exposure are being underestimated. Co-author of the Sense About Science brochure, Making Sense Of Radiation, Elaine Fox (Essex Study) argues otherwise.
First Broadcast: BBC Radio 4 October 2008